To better adapt to the conditions and restrictions imposed by the current health situation, the Familangues team visits the Ziegelwasser Kindergarten once every two weeks, continuing the “Groupe Culture” project in the Neuhof neighbourhood.
The aim of this project is to help children establish a link between the language spoken and culture practiced at home and the language spoken and culture practiced in school. These ideal learning conditions allow children to feel at ease, thereby enabling them to concentrate more on their learning. Moreover, by encouraging understanding and appreciation of different cultures, the “Culture Group” promotes social cohesion and togetherness within the school and the neighbourhood.
But that’s not all !
When our team can’t make it on site to lead the session, the children are still able to watch our multilingual Kamishibai video. These storytelling video viewings are made available to all the students in the school, whether they are part of the “Culture Group” project or not. The aim is to stimulate interaction between allophone children and their classmates, fostering integration and intercultural exchange from an early age.