Conception and production of the website

This site was created by the students of the 2023-2024 class of the CAWEB master’s program at the University of Strasbourg.


Alexandra BESLIU




Website Editor

La Ruche 35, 35 rue Vauban

Publication director

Christine CHARLOIS, President of Familangues.

Hosting Provider

3 rue de Franche Comté
Phone: 0899 492 350

Intellectual Property

The photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, animated sequences with or without sound, as well as all the works integrated into the website are the property of the website editor or third parties who have authorized the website editor to use them. Any total or partial reproduction of these elements without the authorization of the website operator or its rights holders is prohibited, within the meaning of article L713-2 of the Intellectual Property Code.

Photo Credits

The Familangues team.

If you appear on our website with a photo in the “testimonials” section, or if you are featured in any other photo and wish for it to be removed, please contact the publication director Christine CHARLOIS at We will then take the necessary steps to remove your photo promptly.

Data Protection and Privacy

The information collected via this website is obtained either through the transmission of information by users themselves via contact forms, or through cookies or other automatic tracking technologies when visitors browse the website.

Information collected on our website is never shared with other organizations for commercial purposes.


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The following cookies are used on our website:

  • WordPress: WordPress cookies enable its proper functioning.
  • Polylang: Polylang plugin cookies store user language preferences.
  • Google Analytics: Google Analytics cookies enable the collection of site consultation statistics.

Refusing to install a cookie may result in the inability to access certain services.

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